Source: VT Golf Magazine | Issue: Summer 1995 | Author: Bill Van Liew Synopsis: This article is about the ideal 18 holes for author Bill Van Liew from different golf courses across Vermont. He takes you through each hole, where it is from, and why it would contribute to being the perfect golf course. […]
Custom Clubs Improve Your Game
Source: VT Golf Magazine | Issue: Summer 1995 | Author: Bill Van Liew Synopsis: This article is about the growing practice of custom fit clubs and how that has impacted both the game of golf and the golf market. It wasn’t that many years ago when the purchase of a set of golf clubs […]
Burlington’s Ghosts of Golf
Source: VT Golf Magazine | Issue: Summer 1995 | Author: Bob Labbance Synopsis: This article is about how golf clubs arose and disappeared quickly within our history. It happened in Montpelier, Barre, Hyde Park, Brattleboro, Sudbury, Arlington, Burlington, and about a dozen other towns in Vermont. A golf club sprung up, entertained golfers for […]
The Hidden Gem: Richford Country Club
Source: VT Golf Magazine | Issue: Summer 1995 | Author: Alex Kourebanas Synopsis: This article is about the Richford Country Club and what makes the country club so special. The Richford Country Club is this year’s selection as Vermont’s hidden gem. Located in northern Vermont near the Canadian border and the Jay Peak Ski […]
Woodstock Country Club
Source: VT Golf Magazine | Issue: Summer 1995 | Author: Bob Labbance Synopsis: This article is about the Woodstock Country Club and the traits that allow it to be the unique club that draws tourists into the resort town of Woodstock, VT. As early as 1792 a tavern stood at the intersection of two […]
A Pilgrimage to Vermont’s Golf Capital
Source: VT Golf Magazine | Issue: Summer 1995 | Author: Arthur Ristau Synopsis: This article is about Manchester, VT and how the courses and clubs it holds serves as the golf capital of Vermont, including Ekwanok Country Club, Gleneagles at Equinox, the Dorset Field Club, and the Manchester Country Club. Encircling the community like […]
A Hidden Gem
Source: VT Golf Magazine | Issue: Summer 1996 Synopsis: This article is about the Brattleboro Country Club and the history that shaped the club into what we see today. Neatly tucked away in the south eastern corner of Vermont is the Brattleboro Country Club, a superb nine hole test of any golfer’s shot making […]
Lands of Plenty
Source: VT Golf Magazine | Issue: Summer 1996 | Author: Alex Kourebanas Synopsis: This article is about the Quechee Club and the unique amenities it offers its members year round. When Vermonters think of championship golf, a number of different meanings may come to mind: one championship shot in a long string of foozles […]
Survival and Revival
Source: VT Golf Magazine | Issue: Summer 1996 | Author: Bill Noble Synopsis: This article is about the spread of golf throughout the various country clubs in Vermont. It takes the reader throughout the 1900’s as to what happened every few years at the prominent country clubs. Several years before the Wright Brothers made […]
By Land, By Sea, And in the Air
Source: VT Golf Magazine | Issue: Summer 1996 | Author: Arthur Ristau Synopsis: This article is about the formation and history of Basin Harbor Club and how it has evolved into the club we see today. Wafting in the warm October wind, the simple sign tells the story: “Since 1886 and still here. The […]