Source: VT Golf Magazine | Issue: Summer 1996 | Author: Alex Kourebanas

Synopsis: This article is about the Quechee Club and the unique amenities it offers its members year round. 


When Vermonters think of championship golf, a number of different meanings may come to mind: one championship shot in a long string of foozles from your playing partner; a good ball striker executing all the right shots at all the right times to win a club championship; or one hole that requires championship level play on a less rigorous golf course. But is there an 18-hole, championship-caliber golf course in the state?
Absolutely. The Quechee Club in Quechee has attained star status in Vermont, in New England and around the country. No only does the Quechee Club offers a championship golf course, it houses two of the best courses in the area. The Highland and Lakeland golf courses are regarded by New England professionals, officials of the New England Professional Golf Association, the national golf community and visitors as two of the most challenging, well-conditioned golf courses in New England. As a result of this status, the two top tournaments for New England amateurs and professionals were hosted by Quechee in the summer of 1995.

To be a top resort, a club must offer more than just excellent golf. At Quechee, there is an abundance of activities to keep guests busy during summer and winter, spring, and fall. Tennis and swimming opportunities are plentiful at the resort. Eight Har-Tru and three all-weather tennis courts are open from the first week in May to Columbus Day. Chuck Kinyon, director of tennis at Quechee, runs a program that assists anyone from the beginner to the advanced tennis player. Also included in the tennis curriculum are clinics, tournaments, the New England Junior Challenge Cup, as well as social mixers for the whole tennis community. A full-service pro shop provides clothing and accessories.

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