Source: VT Golf Magazine | Issue: Summer 2007 | Author: Tom Bedell
Synopsis: This article talks about Bobby Rotella and his work as a golf sports psychologist. It speaks to his philosophy and his view on his work.
Come August, look for Bobby Rotella to team up with his dad, Guy, once more, in the annual L.D. Pierce Invitational at the Rutland Country Club. Guy, who turned 88 in May, is a three-time-a-week player at the club as his wife, Laura.
For Bob it represents an at-least yearly homecoming to the town he grew up in, and the course where he first began learning the lessons he would eventually pass on to many, since it was at Rutland, for one example, that he caddied for the great Bobby Locke, considered one of the supreme putters in golf history.
Any amateur player who has choked on a three-footer to lose a two-dollar Nassau knows that golf is not just about physical skills. And if losing a few bucks can rattle a golfer’s nerves, what about a putt for hundreds of thousands of dollars, or for a major championship?
As one pretty fair player, Bobby Jones, put it, “Competitive golf is played mainly on a five-and-a-half inch course…the space between your years.”