Source: VT Golf Magazine | Issue: Summer 2000 | Author: Arthur Ristau
Synopsis: This article is about the Proctor-Pittsford country club and the causality that started within the country club.
In the beginning was the corn, furrow upon furrow row after unending row, defining the landscape and so dominating the plateau between Rutland and Brandon that the golf course built there some 75 years ago took its name from the omnipresent plant. “Corn Hill” as the Proctor-Pittsford Country Club was first christened is still the moniker used by many long-time members.
The name may have changed, but the Proctor Pittsford course still commands the same spectacular view of the Green Mountains to the east and it is said, on a clear day, the lower recesses of Lake Champlian are faintly visible. Hardwoods have supplanted corn as the punctuating feature of the now undulating layout. In fact, Proctor-Pittsford has the characteristics of a mountain course without the mountains. Thanks to its farm field origins. Proctor Pittsford is one of Vermont’s most walkabout golfing venues.
And this delightful course remains very much a work in progress. Bunkers are being added and amplified, tees and greens enhanced, a new pond here, a reconfigured fairway there. Since its conversion 11 years ago to an 18 hole track, Proctor-Pittsford has been garnering accolades from throughout the state as a first-quality moderately priced golfing experience.